Emily Wong's Oral History, Round 2



Emily Wong's Oral History, Round 2


• Emily Wong (pseudonym), 51 years old, Singaporean
• Homemaker
• Was an admin on the swab ops team for around four months
• Treatment of migrant workers and their living conditions
• Infected with Covid-19 and recovered while isolating at home
• Travelled to the UK in November 2021
• Vaccinated (3 shots total), but was hesitant about getting vaccines
• Unhappy with the restriction on gathering numbers and broke the rule a few times to head out with her household
• Shortage of ART kits for a period
• Received sanitiser, reusable masks, and gargle from Temasek and vouchers from the government
• Reflection on how Covid-19 helped her understand new things about her husband and daughter

Date Created

March 31, 2022

Language of interview



Biography 1-2

Changes to daily routine
- Church service 11

Covid-19 waves
- 2020 versus 2021 11
- Delta 11, 20, 29, 36

Daily life necessities
- Food 31
- ART kits, 32
-- Shortage, 33

Community support 38

Comparisons with past events 28-29

Covid temporality 10-11

- Husband’s work from home 12-13, 20-22
- Swab ops admin 3-10

Infection by Covid-19 3, 14-17, 19-20
- Husband’s infection by Covid-19 18
- Medicine used 16-17

Migrant workers 3, 7-8, 38, 42

-Travel 22-26
-- Daughter’s travel back from UK 29-30
--- SHN (Stay Home Notice) 30
-- Vaccinated Travel Lane, 22, 24-26

Post Covid-19 40-41

Reflection on Covid-19 41

Response measures for Covid-19
- Assistance for Covid-19 relief 37-38
- Reactions to measures 36-37, 39
- Restricted activities 33-34
- Restriction on social gatherings 34-35
-- Breaking rule for limit 35
- Removal of mask mandate 36

Social media 18

Vaccines 12, 25-28

Item sets

Emily Wong's Oral History, Round 2