Borey's Oral History, Round 2



Borey's Oral History, Round 2


- Borey, 29, healthcare worker, fully vaccinated to fourth dose
- Experienced stress from being highly exposed to COVID 19 through work and fear of
bringing it home to family
- Cautious about meeting new people and experienced the need for increased protection
and hygienic practices
- Faced lockdown restrictions that prohibited crossing districts to get to work even if he has
official paperwork
- Tries to reduce contact with people but is also aware that it might and could come off as
discriminating at times

Date Created

January 28, 2022

Language of interview


Related interviews


Biography 1

Changes to daily routine
- Going out 2, 6-7
- Hygiene 5, 7, 13
- Interactions with others 7, 12-13, 18-19, 21

Comparison with other crises 11-12

Covid-19 waves
- 2020 versus 2021 1
- Delta 2, 7
- Omicron 2, 7

Daily life necessities 6, 14

Discrimination 13, 20

Job 17-18
- Covid-19 testing protocol 3-4, 10, 13
- Family’s employment status 14-15
- Salary reduction 15
- Quarantine measures for infected healthcare workers 5

Post Covid-19 hopes 21-22

Psychological impact 4, 12-13

Response measures to Covid-19
- Assistance for Covid-19 relief 18-19
- Consequences for breaking rules 16
- Lockdown 3-5, 7, 11-12, 14-16
- Quarantine 5
- Reactions to response measures 17, 20
- Restrictions on social gatherings 15-16

Travel 2-4, 17

Vaccines 8-11, 19, 21

Item sets

Borey's Oral History, Round 2 Borey's Oral History, Round 2 (translation)